Keluarga Indonesia Teman Anak (KITA) bercerita is a collaborative campaign initiated by business units’ members of Rajawali Group, which aimed to build society’s awareness in habituating the storytelling culture to the children. This campaign is particularly targeting the parenting group with babies, toddlers, and children in early education ages.
It is believed that the golden age in shaping one’s character and developing one’s intelligence is throughout day 1 to 7 years old age, and through regularly conducting storytelling activities between parents and the children, it will bring many benefits such as strengthening inner family relationships, children’s character building, also competency improvement before stepping on for the next level of education.
KITA bercerita mission is to spread national awareness to families all around Indonesia to build the habit in conducting storytelling activities to the children, for at least 10 minutes a day, every day.
Roadshow & Aktifitas
Since KITA bercerita was initiated, the community has hitting the road for a lot of roadshow and establishing ‘Rumah Cerita’ (Storytelling Home) in various public places in Jakarta and neighboring areas, including Pre-schools, Primary Schools, Hospitals, Day Cares, Libraries, and Social Institutions.
KITA bercerita also partnering up with many communities on various special occasions and events, as such Earth Day, Nutrision Day, National Children Day, etc. So come join the good cause and keep yourself updated with our activities by staying tune on our social media!

Kita Bercerita Youtube Channel